About Hydro Jelly Masks
What are the Hydro Jelly Masks?
At Skin Deep we are proud to offer only natural and high performing products for your skin. One of our favorite product lines are our Hydro Jelly masks from Esthemax. These masks are a “jelly like” peel off mask that can completely transform your skin. They are beneficial for all types of skin but if you are someone that struggles with dry skin you will adore this treatment.
Why are They Good for your Skin?
These masks are miraculous for our skin due to a variety of reasons. To begin, our Hydro jelly masks are made primarily of algae. Algae is fantastic for our skin. It works wonders to keep our skin hydrated in addition to toning skin and helping to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, cellulite, and acne. Furthermore, algae is rich in antioxidants which help to fight off free radicals. Free radicals are uncharged molecules that can damage our skin cells and are one of the primary causes of aging.
Another key aspect of the hydro jelly face mask is the power of electrolytes. Even if you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day an electrolyte imbalance can make it difficult for your body to properly absorb the water and stay hydrated. This not only affects how you feel on the inside but can really affect your skin as well.
There are a couple key things to help keep your electrolytes in balance. The biggest is to stay away from the salty foods and eat mostly whole grains. Drinking coconut water is, also, a great and easy way to stabilize your electrolytes and stay hydrated. But if your skin is truly quenched nothing is going to make it feel better than one of our hydro jelly face masks.